Welcome to Bishop Gallagher Council No. 2569
A Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service Organization
A Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service Organization
This December 2023, Bishop Gallagher Knights of Columbus Council No. 2569 donated 2 cases of coats for a total of 24 winter coats to St. Mary Catholic Parish in Royal Oak, Michigan. The coats were presented by Grand Knight Timothy Gignac and gratefully accepted by George Krinke, the Coordinator of Evangelical Charity at St. Mary.
These and other coats coats will provide warmth for children in need during cold winter months. The goal of the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids program is to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season. Through the dedication of councils across the United States and Canada, hundreds of thousands of new winter coats have been distributed to children since the program's inception.
This Christmas 2023, the Blessing Bags that Bishop Gallagher Council put together for those less fortunate were given to the Royal Oak Police Department. Officers Carter on the left and Hertz on the right received the donations from Program Director Jeff Rollins, Grand Knight Tim Gignac, and Al Carter, Sr., in the center. These donations help many whom the police contact in their daily service to the community. This is a great outward expression of the first principle of the Knight of Columbus - CHARITY.
As we continue to celebrate Blessed Michael J. McGivney's Beatification, please enter the Promo Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY to join online for free.
We support many charities helping the community, such as, Mother and Unborn Baby Care in Southfield (http://www.maubc.org/), Holy Cross Services (http://www.hccsnet.org/); the ARC of Oakland County (http://thearcoakland.org/); the 40+ charities under the umbrella of Michigan Charities; Respect Life initiatives; local food banks, including the Franciscan Poverty Program and Gleaners; Sacred Heart Major Seminary; and programs recommended by the State Council of Michigan Knights of Columbus that in turn support the citizens of Michigan (http://mikofc.org/).
Bishop Gallagher Council #2569 works closely with many Catholic churches and agencies but most closely with St. Mary Catholic Church in Royal Oak, providing funds for various projects and members being active participants.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Bishop Gallagher Knights of Columbus 2569
c/o Royal Oak Detroit Elks Lodge #34, 2401 E. 4th St., Royal Oak, MI 48067 us
Copyright © 2018 Bishop Gallagher Knights of Columbus 2569 - All Rights Reserved.